light sources

How to brighten a living room with dark furniture?

Dark furniture is very popular again and allows you to create original arrangements, perfect for recreational or representative rooms. Appropriate lamps are also useful to complement such spaces in an interesting way. How to brighten a room with dark furniture? What accessories should you choose to achieve the perfect effect and create a truly modern […]

How to brighten a living room with dark furniture? Read More »

TRACK lighting systems – why have they become so popular and where do they look best?

Can you imagine a loft or studio with classic lighting? Of course not! Here you need a bit of imagination, madness and common sense. The same as in vintage style restaurants. Such places require the TRACK lighting system, which adds a modern touch of light and shadow. What is the TRACK lighting system? In short,

TRACK lighting systems – why have they become so popular and where do they look best? Read More »

Distribuitorul oficial al mărcii în România Lumini din Polonia

Jacek Krempiński
Azzardo Lumini

Distribuitorul oficial al mărcii AZzardo în România

Copyright ©2021 AzzardoLumini – Jacek Krempiński

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